Step into the Ring

Saturday, 11 August 2012


I respect Kevin Nash for what he's done in wrestling, bit sometimes a wrestler says something so stupid and ridiculous they make themselves look like a proverbial retard. Speaking to some website that has no say or effect on anything in today's society, Nash, whose star has faded into darkness in 2012, went on to say that Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero should never have been made champions in 2004, because that's when wrestling ended.
"When Benoit and Guerrero hugged [at the end of WrestleMania XX], that was the end of the business," Nash says. "Has business been the same since that WrestleMania? Has it come close to the Austin era? Has it come close to the nWo or the Hogan era? You put two fucking guys that were great workers that were the same height as the fucking referees, and I'm sorry, man. Are you going to watch a porno movie with a guy with a three-inch dick? Even if you're not gay, you will not watch a porno movie with a guy with a three-inch dick. That's not the standard in porno films. So you put a 5-foot-7 guy as your world champion."
What a dick. I mean, I respect him, but still, what a dick. I'm pretty sure that Nash said this for two reasons. The first would be the situations and scenarios of both men's deaths. Like how they died should somehow devalue their legacy and their title reigns. Kevin, if you're reading this, or you ever come across this, then Jack the Ripper murdered prostitutes, but it didn't stop his name and legacy outliving those who did good. You dick.

I would though, like to know where in Nash's addled brain, he gets the idea that wrestling ended at that moment. He's just picked that Wrestlemania 20 moment to fit his story. Because he either didn't like the guys or he's jealous of their legacy and success in professional wrestling. Nash could have chosen any other moment in wrestling to label 'the moment wrestling died'. How about Kevin, when WWE stopped making headline stars and just thought it best concentrate their skills on the same men over and over again. Or John Cena? Cena is doing more to kill the business than that hugging moment.

Wrestling took a downward turn after 2002, we all know it, long before Benoit and Guerrero hugged in the ring. People stopped caring about the business, in turn the people running the business stopped caring about it too. It's a vicious circle that will be broken when someone decides to do something other than the standard. Nash has shown himself to be nothing other than a bigoted fool.

I'm convinced that Nash woke up and saw he wasn't relevant anymore. So he thought he'd better say something to get in the headlines again. So he picked two men who are no longer here to defend themselves. Nash might have had a point if he'd have picked anything else WWE has done wrong over the last ten years. But he didn't. The sad thing is, that Kevin Nash still isn't relevant in wrestling in 2012, no matter what he says or does. And Kevin, if, in your opinion, wrestling died in 2004, why then did you continue to get into the ring for years afterwards, when you yourself, as a broken down, tired, grappler, who couldn't perform anymore and stealing away the spotlight from the younger guys, had a hand in killing of the business?

Onwards and Upwards...