Step into the Ring

Thursday, 30 August 2012


You might have noticed a few changes to the Wrestling God upon my return to you. I just want to explain them to you quickly so you can get the most out of them.

The first at the top of the left hand side of the screen is a brand new poll that you can take. In fact I want you take the poll because it's about new blogs for you. Tell me what you'd like to see as a new monthly blog along with the pay per view view previews and reviews. The poll closes on October 31st, so get your votes in before then. The most popular choice will be featured each month. In case you can't read them in their orange writing the choices are thus:

1) Question and Answer (You can send me questions about wrestling to the Wrestling God's brand new email address set up for this site and this site only and I will answer as many as possible once a month. Got something you simply must know or just want to confirm. This is the vote for you)

2) Then and Now. (A feature that would look at our favourite wrestlers when they used to shine in the ring and today. See how much they've changed over the years. What they're doing now. Complete with a picture of them in the prime and them today.)

3) Fantasy match Ups. (This has been popular in wrestling magazines. Of course they feed you the usual crap to blind you to the truth. These fantasy match ups would pit classic wrestlers vs today's grapplers. Examining their strengths, weaknesses, wrestling prowess and determining a winner should they have ever stepped into the ring together)

4) Classic Pay Per View Reviews. (It's pretty self explanatory. Just like we take a look at the most recent pay per view events to have happened, we'd take a trip back in time once a month to look at a classic pay per view. Be it, WWE, WCW or ECW.)

5) Classic Wrestler Biographies. (This consists of taking a look at the wrestlers that made our viewing experience so enjoyable. Be they technical masters of the worst of the worst.)

So get voting. And the best thing is, you can vote for as many as you like, as many times as you like. Don't be shy. I want to hear from you.

The second is underneath the poll. If you're reading this from another country and don't speak English well, no worries. The Wrestling God now offers you the option to read this blog in your own language. Just choose your preferred your language from the drop down menu and get reading.

And forget to tell your friends about our little gathering, the more the merrier. We're already up to 1,400 page views and counting. Good job people.

Onwards and upwards...