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Step into the Ring
Thursday, 28 June 2012
First I just want to say that we are now numbering in the high seven hundreds. Rock on people. Keep reading and if you have something nice to say then leave me a comment. One person has and I have to thank them for that. I'm going to cry or get all gay on you, but...cheers.
So, Charlie Sheen! The former star of Two and Half men, who went a little nuts last year and almost ended his own career. Vince McMahon has decided in his infinate wisdom that this man, this shining light of sane celebrities, should be the man to draw viewers in to Raw show one thousand. Isn't it about time we cut away all of the celebrity crap and got doown to what we're here for?
I mean, WWE extended Raw to three hours a week, to presumably push new talent and bring in new fans. I've yet to see any evidence of anything new in WWE Raw. John Cena is getting more aritime than anyone, Big Show is still the worst big man in history and WWE is happily playing along preending there are no cracks in the foundations.
Anyway, hello. I've been away this week, you might not believe me, but I've moved to Wales, decided it was a shit hole and moved back again. Yes, I was in my new house for three days, before I packed my bags and returned home. Don't get me wrong, Cardiff is one of the nicest cities in the world and Cardiff Bay for those of you who haven't been is where I'll be moving to next, is a sight to see before you die. I move though to a place called Rumney and it's the Brodus Clay of Wales. A lot of hype but not much to say when it gets started. The place was a rat hole, the maisonette block I was moved to was the pits, there was drug dealer next door, the area was as rough as a junkies armpit, the drug dealers dogs pissed all over the balcony outside my house and the are was the pits. So I'm back. Miss me? Thought so.
Back to the wrestling. Money in the Bank is mean to be an event where the undercard gets over. Instead this year, WWE have decided to push the no bodies to the back again and put John Cena, Chris Jericho, Big Show and (Yawn) Kane, in a Money in the Bank Ladder match in which only former WWE Champions can enter. That's it Vince, that's the way to promote new talent. This is the perfect eample of who dumb WWE are and how selfish Cena is. As the main guy he should have objected, his word counts at Titan Towers, and given the spot to the under card. Still, Cena will win, we all know it.
Charlie Sheen who will dominate the most of Raw's 1000's episode and yet another outing in the main event for John Cena, Big Show and Kane. You could almost believe WWE wanted to drive away it's audience.
Onwards and Upwards...