Previous No Way Out events have been classics that will stand the test of time. No Way Out 2012 held some of that promise on what was in truth an over packed card with a total of ten matches, three of which were thrown together on the night.
There were dumb bookings decisions, inspired pushes that I was quite surprised by and just some time wasters that could have done with being left off of the card. So, from the IZOD Centre – East Rutherford New Jersey, this was WWE No Way Out 2012.
Steel Cage Match
John Cena defeated Big Show
Possibly the most predictable match at No Way Out 2012, John Cena of course defeated the bumbling Big Show in a steel cage match. Others will think it was a good match, your wrestling god on the other hand, thinks it was merely by the numbers. I so want to change the tone of my review of John Cena matches. I want to say something good about the guy because even I’m getting bored of saying the same old thing. When Cena makes it so easy to rip hi to shreds though, how can one resist? Ladies and gentlemen, John Cena is the gift that keeps on giving.
I will refrain though from going into my usual tirade about John Cena, that can be saved for another day. It does now give weight though to the notion that without a superior opponent across the ring from him, John Cena is almost destined to fail, on a grand scale. That rhymed and I didn’t even mean it to.
It is hard to see where WWE goes with this storyline from here though. With Cena going over Show, then John Laurinaitis’ storyline career is over, or at least that’s what we think. He’ll be back somewhere down the line. This is WWE my good people, no one stays away forever. Even though we wish Mick Foley would give it a try. The People Power vs WWE storyline was a strong one, which got ever so slightly dented when John Cena was drafted in to play the main role of the hero. Johnny L and his motley crew had legs to carry on their reign of tyranny at least until Survivor Series in November when WWE could have brought their empire crashing down around them in what would have been a truly fantastic Survivor Series, Winner Takes All Elimination Match. The match would have made stars of the people chosen to participate in it. Kofi Kingston, Brodus Clay and Zack Ryder who will substitute in the coming weeks for R-Truth as Tag Team Champion would have all had their game raised drastically by being involved in such a historic match.
But no, this being WWE there is no long term plan that will benefit us and the company’s growth over the next few months. Just the ‘McMahon Plan’ which at the moment seems to consist of whoever is flavour of the month gets a push and to hell with everyone else. Not quite the person you want running a business is it? Unless you’re trying to drive away customers that is.
I’m caught in two minds now about the outcome. A John Cena victory would have been correct on this one occasion to end the Cena / Show feud which didn’t have a life beyond No Way Out 2012 but then again a Big Show should have left as the victor to keep the People Power storyline going. Now, WWE are left with what? John Cena is running out of gas, Big Show isn’t talented enough to carry bags let alone a storyline and Vince McMahon created the John Laurinaitis heel character to take over from the Vince McMahon character, and now Vince has killed it stone dead.
There was no way anyone in the arena or anyone watching on pay per view expected the match to be anything other than mediocre. The most exciting part about it was when Clay and Kingston got involved, to try and exact a little revenge on Show and Johnny L. Even that looked bad. Two faces, one who isn’t even a great wrestler coming to Cena’s aid. The match would have sat well on any TNA card. It degenerated into a comedy show, complete with run ins and comedy boss firing at the end. That kind of things isn’t what history will remember.
The dilemma WWE have now is that even if they were to bring Johnny L back somehow, the who is going to believe that any of his People Power stable can defeat John Cena when Big Show couldn’t get the job done? Once again WWE have back themselves into a corner I’m not so sure they can get out of. From my point of view, this is what needs to happen now.
John Cena needs to turn heel on Vince McMahon; forfeit his victory at No Way Out which means Big Show would be awarded the match; Johnny L then returns to WWE and with a heel Cena leading the charge they take on WWE until C.M. Punk leads a band of his heroes against the evil Johnny L and John Cena. The match culminates at Survivor Series with the sacking of Johnny L and the break up of People Power, ready for WWE to set up Wrestlemania 29.
As bad as it looks for WWE now, turning Cena heel may be the only thing that could help rescue the storyline and future interest in the company. Yes, I can’t believe I’m saying it either. Don’t reload your page, don’t think I’ve had a smack on the head or you’re seeing things that aren’t there. Listen carefully I’ll never say this again. John Cena may be the only person who can save this whole charade. Wow that stung.
As for Big Show, No Way Out should have been his final act in WWE. I doubt it will be, because I have a horrible feeling that WWE are, as I type this booking Cena vs Big Show for Money in the Bank 2012, if that happens, then I’m not too sure I could stomach anymore of the pair. It’s an embarrassment to wrestling watching them try to salvage something from a doomed outing that should have been put to bed as soon as it was dreamt up. If WWE aren’t going ahead with the Cena / Show rematch then WWE needs to release Big Show now. Get him out of WWE and if you are insistent on brining him back sometime in the future, then at least make him lose some weight before he returns. He did it before and looked great.
The problem is I don’t see a future for Big Show in WWE. Times are changing and WWE must change with them to ensure it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. Show has had thirteen years to do something, anything of note and has failed epically. Does he really deserve more chances over people who could offer WWE something more? I think Big Show’s time in WWE is well and truly up.
Triple Threat Match
WWE Championship Match
C.M Punk (Champion) defeated Daniel Bryan and Kane
If you read the No Way Out preview then I stated that I thought Kane was the wring choice for the third wheel in a match of the calibre. I was right. I won’t deny it even though it makes me blush being this good all of the time. The match should have been a one on one submission match, it’s a no brainer. I will concede though, that Kane added more than I thought he would. Even if the result was the wrong one.
I’m trying to see into the future and I just can’t see what WWE have planned for Punk beyond SummerSlam. There’s no major feud coming that could bring down the house or sell out the box office. Interest is beginning to deplete in the WWE Champion. Surely making Daniel Bryan the WWE Champion would have at least stretched out the feud for a while longer. Even if Bryan had have pinned or made Kane tap out instead of Punk. Madness.
The whole affair seemed to get lost in the A.J / Kane / Bryan triangle bullshit. If it hasn’t dawned on you after watching No Way Out, then A.J is really after C.M. Punk and using Kane as a decoy to get to him. The fall off the apron which worked for Punk and allowed him to score the victory in the end was her scheme to bag her man. It’s weak I’ll admit. But I suppose we should be happy that WWE are bothering to do something half meaningful with one of its women at least.
The best action in the match came of course from Punk and Bryan, the trade off of submission holds was great and the high flying was a welcome addition to the mix. The match lacked the Over the Limit sparkle but then with a third, oversized, talentless cog thrown in, I doubt anyone thought it would be as good. Hopefully there are many more Bryan vs Punk matches to come, although the impression I got from the end of the match would suggest otherwise.

Let’s be honest male readers, if A.J threw herself at you, would you say “No thanks love.” I don’t think so. She’d be walking bow legged for days and you all know I’m right. A.J has the skills and the looks to be something big in WWE, I’m just worried that giving her the ‘cheating slut’ role is going to tarnish her for the rest of her career. It did Lita, although she didn’t help herself by sleeping With Adam ‘Edge’ Copeland in real life and cheating on Matt Hardy with him. Lita though turned it into a really good and successful run in 2005 / 2006, she was never more bangable than when she was Edge’s bitch. Does A.J have that quality about her though? I’m not sure. She looks like a cross between the sweet, demure, virginal girl next door and the trailer park whore who’ll bang you for a smile. WWE needs to be clear on A.J’s role going forward.
If they get it right then A.J could be as good as Lita, not in the ring but in the role certainly. She could even make a career out of it, initiating new feuds along the way over her desirability and whatever else she has to offer. Looking at it, A.J could be the answer to WWE’s star making problems. It’s not a huge leap of the imagination to think that any hot blooded male would go to war for the woman. WWE could keep this going for a while and in its wake it could create new stars. C.M. Punk feuds with Kane over A.J. Someone feuds with C.M. Punk over A.J and dethrones him of the gold and the circle goes around and around. If WWE play this right, then it could be the start of something special.
What about the three men in the match itself? Well as the match was a good one, it’s feasible that, even though I’d advise against it, WWE will book it again at Money in the Bank under different rules. That’s just one possibility. The others are that Kane and Daniel Bryan will enter the Money in the Bank ladder matches, both have won in the past, both have cashed in the win to became champion. It’s doubtful though, as WWE hasn’t bothered to set up any new feuds for Punk he’ll need at least one of them to go against on the July pay per view.
If WWE are going with the Punk and Kane feud then one match really should be enough. We don’t need to see Kane in another main event ever. If WWE leave Bryan out of the equation at Money in the Bank then the clever thing to do would be to grant him one of the two Money in the Bank briefcases, so they can build him up again in time for SummerSlam. Bryan has suffered lately, he’s got even more lost in the shuffle of this A.J storyline than the triple threat match did. Bryan needs a boost to elevate him back into the public eye and a Money in the Bank victory would do it. Although with the talk from the big office in Titan Towers, that WWE are considering Bryan for WWE Champion, maybe the next few months will take on a life of their own.
C.M. Punk as I said earlier is going to be stuck after SummerSlam, there are no new feuds for him to get his teeth into and I get the feeling that WWE are just keeping the belt on him to sell the C.M. Punk DVD when it finally becomes available. The smugness that Punk exudes would be better coming from a hell, maybe WWE, because they’re so against turning Cena heel would be better turning Punk heel, aligning him with the returning Johnny L and having the feud that way around. Certainly having the WWE Championship in the People Power camp would bring a whole new angle to whatever WWE have cooking in their dark little minds.
Kane needs to be dropped down a lever or two, or preferably from the roster completely. Out with the old and all that. A main event run against Punk can last no longer than one pay per view and WWE must book it under anything but one on one circumstances. Kane cannot flourish in those matches and Punk, who is a selfish wrestler anyway, won’t be helping him out. Afterwards, maybe Kane could take the U.S title from Santino, anyone at the moment would be a better replacement. That’s the nest I have for the big red machine. He has neither the talent or the star power to do anything else in WWE, which begs the question of why do they keep him on their books? Maybe Undertaker could answer for us.
World Heavyweight Championship Match
Sheamus (Champion) defeated Dolph Ziggler
WWE did themselves a huge favour choosing Dolph Ziggler as Alberto Del Rio’s replacement. If it had been anyone else then this match would have sucked. Fortunately it was pretty damn good. There was a moment at the beginning when I thought WWE were going to pull a Wrestlemania 28 on us and end the match in seconds. Because they gave Ziggler a chance he shone.
Dolph Ziggler has been compared to Mr. Perfect with good reason. He has the looks, the skills and the aura to be huge. Fans echoed this belief at SummerSlam 2009 when they booed Rey Mysterio and really wanted Ziggler to take the Intercontinental Championship. The belief in WWE is that Ziggler has the talent, but for some inane reason WWE can’t find a spot for him on the main even level week after week.
The fact that it took an Irish Curse, a White Noise and a Brogue Kick to down Ziggler is an encouraging sign. It means that WWE want to start building Dolph up as a serious contender to the Irishman’s throne. And this match was just what the doctor ordered. Ziggler displayed an incredible amount of heart at No Way Out, at moments it was quite touching to see the man self labelled ‘heel’ to show just how much he wanted it. If there are any doubts in WWE’s mind then No Way Out should have put them to rest.
It was almost like watching Bret Hart in his prime, absolutely fabulous. By showing how much he wanted the gold, Dolph Ziggler did more for the World Heavyweight Championship in one night than Sheamus has done since Wrestlemania 28. Dolph Ziggler put the important of the championship on another level, and for performances like that he deserves a reign as the man. Of course it’s doubtful he’ll get it. If WWE drops him back to the mid card after this performance then it needs its head testing. Dolph Ziggler is much more than a tag team wrestler and at Money in the Bank, WWE should leave Wade Barrett to heal properly and give the briefcase to Ziggler, I’m sure a Dolph Ziggler World Heavyweight Championship victory at the biggest party of the summer would go down a treat.
So what of Sheamus? He needs a heel turn. He just sucks as a face. There’s nothing likable about Sheamus at all and will someone please get him a tan. Of course, if Ziggler is going to be pushed into the main event then Sheamus will have to stay face in order to play off of Ziggler’s heel. The loss of the championship could be the trigger WWE uses to turn Sheamus, but with the backing of Triple H, I doubt we’re going to see that happen anytime soon.
WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Christian (Champion) defeated Cody Rhodes
I love it when even WWE makes simple mistakes that make them look like amateurs. On the review photos for the Intercontinental Championship match, there’s one with Christian executing an inverted neck-breaker. It’s obvious to someone who doesn’t know wrestling well what the move is, let alone an old pro like me. Yet in the caption it clearly states that Christian is delivering his ‘Kill-Switch’ finishing manoeuvre. This is meant to be multi billion dollar business, could someone please check the things they write? It’s bad enough the youth of the WWE Universe getting shit wrong and thinking they’re right no matter how many times they’re told otherwise, without WWE adding to the problem of feeding them misinformation for them to them think that’s true as well.
Anyway, soapbox is now well and truly put away, for a five minutes anyway, and I’m glad to report that No Way out actually delivered a great match. Cody Rhodes sparkled and Christian showed that he can do more for the Intercontinental Championship, which isn’t watched over by Vince McMahon than he can for the World Heavyweight Championship in which ever wrestlers ability is scrutinized by the big man, when they get into the spot.
The match was great. There was some great wrestling, some great back and forth action and the real winners were the audience. We’re used to crap matches on pay per view, and like idiots we pay to watch them, but this was a change and a real treat to see something well crafted.
From here, Cody Rhodes has to be the third candidate to walk away from Money in the Bank with a contract. His work rate over the last year has been exceptional and he deserves credit for weathering the storm of ‘Legacy’, which Ted DiBiase didn’t, and coming out clean on the other side. At this point it’s not clear if WWE are willing to give Rhodes a title run or even a title match, but in a time when WWE are so short on main event talent then it can’t do any harm to give him a try. The worst that can happen is that Cody Rhodes doesn’t work out as World Heavyweight Champion, if so, then nothing has been lost and WWE may finally see that it needs to invest more in its talent development rather than its awful film division which loses millions of dollars a year.
Either way, it’s time WWE took some risks. We’ve all seen the outcome when they don’t.
Tuxedo Match
Santino Marella defeated Ricardo Rodriguez
Somewhere between being announced and taking place, this match was billed to be for the WWE United States Championship and then the title was taken off of the line and it just became a comedy spot.
Exactly why WWE insist on having a joke with us and making us sit through this tripe I’ll never know. Maybe it’s their belated April fools joke or maybe this is really the best the creative can be bothered to come up with for the U.S Championship. If so, then maybe WWE are better off scrapping the Championship and spending the time on the WWE Tag Team Championships instead.
I would have thought that WWE had learnt their lesson from treating the Intercontinental Championship like a piece of second hand gold, or if you prefer, like a talent from the independent circuit. Now, it’s going to take a terrific effort from a talent the equivalent of Cody Rhodes or Christian to rescue it from the jaws of misery. If WWE had intended that to happen, they wouldn’t have booked this match.
Santino, who is just useless as U.S Champion and should have been given his marching orders two years ago, just wasn’t made to be a wrestler. Maybe at one time he was, when WWE got their hands on him, then it ruined something that could have been great. Sound familiar?
Ricardo Rodriguez is standing in for Alberto Del Rio, in the sense that WWE want to keep Del Rio’s man servant in the public eye to keep Del Rio relevant. It’s not working. All that’s been accomplished is that Rodriguez has been made to look like a fool.
The match was worthless, nothing more than something designed to give Santino airtime to parade his stupid antics and pathetic smile about the place. The time would have been much more productive had it been allocated to the Number One Contenders Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships. At a push this should have been allocated the pre-show spot and Clay and Otunga, two men WWE desperately want to get over with the audience should have taken its place on the pay per view.
WWE need to take the Championship off of Santino and quickly. He’s yet to have a good match defending the gold, no one treats him as champion or a contender to anything and when he comes on the remote control usually gets the ‘channel changer’ button pressed. He’s dull, boring, repetitive and predictable. Then again, in today’s WWE, Santino Marella fits right in.
WWE Divas Championship Match
Layla (Champion) defeated Beth Phoenix
Time’s up Vince. Your Divas Division needs a new star. Layla and Phoenix cannot fight again on yet another pay per view event. This is getting ridiculous. Surely Kharma is ready to return now. If not then bring in some talent from elsewhere because if they don’t then this division is going to crash and burn.
I don’t know what to say about the match that you don’t already know. It’s the same old stuff just a different pay per view. Layla was never in danger of losing the Divas Championship, the crowd who were awful it has to be said – were just not into the action at all and what’s worse WWE, in a time when the sexes are meant to be even, allow Jerry Lawler to paw and perve over the women in the ring. He doesn’t care about the match or the title on the line, he just wants to see a great pair of tits.
Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match
Number 1 Contenders Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships
Prime Time Players (Titus O’Neil and Darren Young) defeated Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd, The Usos, Primo and Epico
Out of all the matches at No Way Out, this is the one in which the booking impressed me the most. WWE have finally seen sense and decided to do something with the tag team division and make it mean something. There’s a long way to go yet and we’re not nearly home and dry, but this is at least a beginning.
Finally emphasising the importance of the Tag Team Championships, the four teams put on a decent show and you could see that all eight men wanted the doubles title. Improvement. The Prime Time Players, Darren Young (who for some reason looks like John Cena’s twin brother) and Titus O’Neil came out on top, in a match which didn’t matter who won. Just as long as someone did.
The other three teams now need to be involved more, given more T.V time and allowed to fight to see who the next number one contenders will be after the Prime Time Players. This is something WWE should do every month, to give the division a semblance of importance.
Primo and Epico are dull and don’t need another tag title run unless they’re willing to take out the bland and add some spice. The Usos come from a great wrestling heritage and haven’t been given the platform the Headshrinkers or Afa and Sika were gifted to take off. If WWE invests in them, they could be a fearsome combination that threaten the tag team ranks for years to come. Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel are perhaps the most gifted duo in this match, both posses a natural ability to gel with opponents and given a little more time, their tag team could be hot if they give themselves a catchy name and start to get themselves over with the fans.
If one of these teams got themselves over instead of waiting for WWE to do it for them, then in this case, I can’t see WWE minding too much. I know they hate the fact that when wrestlers get themselves over they cannot take the credit for it, but in the case of the tag team division WWE have run dry on ideas and need all the help they can get.
Of course now Young and O’Neil have to face the WWE Tag Team Champions. Normally it would be Kofi Kingston and R-Truth, but because Truth is carrying an injury, WWE plan to allow Zack Ryder to take his place. This could have one of two effects. 1) Zack Ryder’s presence as tag team champion automatically brings the belts down a level. Having been demolished in recent months for getting himself over, WWE have decided to bury the native from Long Island New York to show him that WWE Superstars shouldn’t have the capacity to think for themselves. Should this happen, WWE needs to swiftly remove the titles from Kingston and Ryder and give them to Young and O’Neil. Or 2) Being a former U.S Champion and over with the crowd, even after his mauling in recent months, Zack Ryder brings more interest to the tag team division and championships and takes it up a level.
Let’s hope it’s the latter. Whatever happens from here on out, even thought the match looked like it had been thrown on as a time filler, No Way Out 2012 was a major step forward for a division that used to shine brighter than the sun.
Sin Cara defeated Hunico
Sin Cara: a guy who has blown more spots than hookers have clients. Still, that doesn’t deter WWE from pushing him. I think WWE secretly hope that when Rey Mysterio returns then they can get a feud going between the two. In reality, Sin Cara isn’t at all over with the fans and Rey Mysterio is hated by so many long time fans that its hard to see any feud between the two getting rave reviews.
I’ll save the rant about Randy Orton being one strike away from losing his job and Rey Mysterio settling comfortably back into the WWE stable, despite the fact he did the exact same thing as Orton and has more responsibility in the WWE Universe, being an icon to children, for a later date. Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio could have potential, if Rey was to turn heel. Then again, Sin Cara has blown so many moves that it’s hard to see how fans would take to him now.
With the right opponent, Cara can be great. We saw that in his feud with Daniel Bryan. When he can rely on others to shoulder their part of the match, he can concentrate on his high spots and doesn’t get them wrong so often. This comes as great difficulty to someone who doesn’t speak any English, seriously! His entrance is spectacular, there’s no denying that, and if he just took his times with his moves Sin Cara could be what WWE always wanted him to be, the next Rey Mysterio.
I won’t comment on the match at No Way Out. It was the usual Cara effort. Blown spots and there was no doubt he’d go over Hunico because he has done many times before. This was one of the matches that could have been scrapped and we wouldn’t have batted an eyelid. We’d almost forgotten Hunico existed until June 17th.
Ryback defeated Two Local Athletes
‘Goldberg!’ ‘Goldberg!’ ‘Goldberg!’ WWE hates that chant when Ryback enters the arena. It wasn’t wise then, to leak that information to the audience prior to the pay per view event. If WWE fans know something really agitates WWE management, then they do it all the more.
Of course what else did WWE expect. They’ve modelled the artist formerly known as Skip Sheffield on Goldberg, he looks like him, his push is eerily similar (except Goldberg actually defeated wrestlers not athletes) and he pulls similar expressions. WWE have just made a rod for their own back.
I read an article before No Way Out that stated WWE were pleased with the way Ryback was getting over with the fans. That’s bollocks. Because he isn’t! If you want to make a star, then you have him first learn some wrestling skills, then you give him the Intercontinental Championship and allow him to develop his talents at that level, running through all competition in those ranks. Then, after a year or two if he’s succeeded in the I.C Title ranks you boost him up to fighting guys like Daniel Bryan, Punk, Kane, Orton, Sheamus, Ziggler. Then and only then after he’s proved he can actually hang with the big guns, you then push him full force into the main event. By which time, WWE fans have had sufficient time to adjust to him, see his struggle to the big time and can push for him.
Failing that, if you want to risk the more direct route, you pick out two or three top stars, the ones who are due a break, like Chris Jericho and Randy Orton and before their suspension or holiday starts, you send them out against the wrestler you’re pushing and allow him to maul them and then you feed the WWE Universe a story about how said wrestler injured top WWE stars and put them on the shelf for the length of their holiday / suspension. That builds up in the fans minds, that the wrestler is a force to be reckoned with.
What you don’t do is push him out every chance you get against weaklings who you bill as local athletes. People who don’t matter. How can we take Ryback seriously if all he can defeat are small men who haven’t done anything in wrestling? It’s a ridiculous notion and one that is getting Ryback eye rolls and sighs every time he comes out.
This isn’t rocket science or brain surgery people. Do WWE really need someone to do this for them?
Triple H Challenges Brock Lesnar to SummerSlam Match
If you didn’t see this segment or fell asleep through it, and are thinking, “It couldn’t really have been that bad could it?”, then you’re wrong. It was. This was something that could have been done on Raw anytime. It had no place on a pay per view and therefore will not be covered in great depth.
The long and short of it all was Triple H came out, banged on about Brock Lesnar and challenged him to a match at SummerSlam, everything I said would happen. Though it is worth nothing that during this speech, Triple H and WWE showed how little they care about us, the paying audience, the people who keep their business alive, with the line:
“This isn’t about them Brock...” Meaning us, the audience, “It’s about me and you doing what we do!”
So what Triple H was actually saying is that we don’t matter to WWE, the wrestlers would just go out and do what they do regardless of whether we’re watching or not. I vote we test this theory. I vote no one turns up to SummerSlam in August and let’s see Triple H and Brock Lesnar do what they do to no live audience, no T.V audience and no income for their biggest show of the summer. Let’s see how fun it is for them then. Idiots!
We all know that wrestling is a show and they do it for the paying audience. If we weren’t there they’d be no point in putting your body through that each night. So why rile up your audience, offend them, say they don’t matter and then expect them to pay to see your product?
Pre-Show Match
Brodus Clay defeated David Otunga
You spend all this time investing your money in two wrestlers who you desperately want the fans to like, and then stick them on the pre-show. If that wasn’t bad enough, the match ended by count out when Otunga walked out of the ring.
This match has to go down as lesson three in WWE’s new book: ‘How not build stars’. What a waste of time it was.
So that was WWE No Way Out 2012. It wasn’t spectacular yet there were some really good moments, some so-so moments and some moments we can forget ever existed. Did it right the wrongs of the last few months? No. But it did ask some questions that may be very interesting to see answered in the next few weeks and set the stage for things to come.
Interestingly enough, it wasn’t the main event that came out as the talking point, for once it was the young talent that got the spotlight. Especially four teams – eight men for whom, for once, the future looks very good indeed.
Onwards and Upwards...