Step into the Ring

Sunday, 3 February 2013



We've been pretty busy recently as those of you who regularly log in will be able to see. As well as our monthly pay per view reviews and previews and the Fantasy Warfare articles, the regular readers will have noticed our partnership with Freemantlemedia Enterprises allowing your Wrestling God to review each new WWE DVD released in the new 'Review Corner'.

Thanks to the amount going on, I haven't had as much time to speak on the little things going on in WWE, the blogs that would fall in the middle of the week have gone astray lately but they will return as soon as the DVD schedule has calmed down and Freemantle are only releasing one or two DVD's per month. That's a promise.

I thought I'd better take this time to propose a new schedule. People have been logging on to read blogs that haven't even been posted or blogs that have been replaced by others. I leave the Review Corner and Fantasy Warfare articles up at least a week so people have ample time to read them. I wouldn't want to write something and only leave it up for a few days to replace it with the next, it short changes you and it renders the whole thing pointless. The new schedule will allow people to log on at specific times to read specific things and then hopefully people won't be too disappointed if they log on and the blog they're looking to read isn't up for them.

Below is the new schedule. The regular monthly blogs and everything in between followed by the estimated time they will be up. I will do my best to stick to it as much as possible.

WWE Pay Per View Reviews - At least 72 hours before the Pay Per View takes place.

WWE Pay Per View Reviews - The day after the Pay Per View takes place.

Review Corner - At least 5 days before the DVD / Blu-ray is released.

Fantasy Warfare - Within the first 6 days of every month.

Other - These will fall in the middle of the weeks, when there is sufficient material to discuss.

Hopefully that should help everyone log on at the right time and avoid any unnecessary disappointment. I would like to add that any missed blogs can be caught up on by looking to the right side of the screen or if you know the title of the blog you have missed you can type keywords into the search bar at the top of the page.


If you're a regular reader then you will know that your Wrestling God encourages each and every one of you to leave your comments in the box provided so I can read them and see what you think. Very few people have done this for whatever reason but it really does help me improve the quality of the whole thing. Be they good or bad.

Recently, I received a comment that wasn't complimentary. That's fine. Of course it is. You're entitled to your opinion as much as I am. If you think something is wrong then please do leave constructive criticism. Don't just put some shit that doesn't make sense in the box and press enter, just like the 'Anonymous' person who left said comment did. The comment was on the 'Night of Champions / Hell in a Cell 2012 DVD Review'. It was so incoherent that I have had to delete it. Said person talked about the review not having enough detail on the negative parts or at least that is how it read to me.

If you are the person who left the comment then please, by all means leave another but this time explain what you meant and I will take it into consideration. However if you are leaving negative comments on purpose then I'm afraid they will be deleted and ignored in favour of those who actually want to get their point across. I will read all comments, be they good or bad and respond to each should they require that course of action.

However, I will state here and now that if you don't like what I write or the way I write it then there is no obligation on your part to log on and read. There are other blogs out there, some I'm sure, which you will be far happier with than this one. The 'Review Corner' articles will be looked at objectively and I will put what I think about them, despite what other people may or may not like. I will not the change my opinion or the depth or detail I write the reviews in. I also hate people who read / watch something just to criticise it. If you're going to read / watch something then you should be doing it objectively and not just to moan about it afterwards.

I try not to put too much detail in the pay per view DVD reviews because the majority of people have either seen the event or don't want it spoiled. If something needs to be mentioned that I have to go into detail about then I will do so as much as I believe it needs. Otherwise I will continue to do as I am doing and leave you guys to make your own minds up when you purchase the DVD or Blu-ray.

I think I've made my feelings clear and I know most of your will agree with me on this. A huge number of people have already read the 'Review Corner' blogs and I have only received one criticism. If the person who wrote that comment is reading this then by all means feel free to explain in a less agressive manner what you meant. If you don't want to do that or you don't think the reviews are good enough then you don't have to read them.

I do look forward to reading what the rest of you think.

Onwards and upwards...