Step into the Ring

Thursday, 1 November 2012


Ok so it's not such an important notice, nothing that will change your life forever. I just wanted to let you know about a few changes to the Wrestling God as we trot towards the end of the year.

First off I'm glad to see that as I write this my Hell in a Cell Review has only been up for roughly 48 hours and already 20 of you have eagerly logged on, put your life aside and divulged every piece of truth I could obtain from October's pay per view. I must add though that every prediction I make in the pay per view review is written before the following night's Monday night Raw. So I have to go with what i know and what I've seen before to forge my judgement.

So the changes. Yes I promised you them. You'll have noticed a change of the colour format of the blog. Gone is the old black background and the headache inducing orange writing. Now we have a more vibrant white background and black writing which looks better and is much easier on the eye.

The biggest change taking place right now is a new column coming to you once every month. For the eagle eyed you'll have read about a poll I set up in the Summer, asking you what you'd like to see new here. And by far the most popular choice was the 'Fantasy Warefare' option. SO once a month, starting this month, I will be bringing you a brand new article entitled 'Fantasy Warefare'. This will be an honest look at one or two of today's wrestling talent pitted against yesterday's heroes and which, if the two were put together in the ring in 2012, would come out on top.

Look out for that hopefully next week. The reason it's only a monthly article is because it takes me a month to write what with the career and everything. I promise it'll be worth the wait when it arrives on your screens in 7 days time.

So that's it. The changes are being made as we speak and I can only thank you for time. Unbelievably we're nearly at 2,000 readers and we've only been in existence since April. The credit goes to you and so does my respect. Let's now set a barrier for ourselves. By November 1st 2013, let's try and have at least 4,000 new minions converted to the truth and that's down to you. Spread the word where you can. Tell your friends, your family, anyone you know who is a wrestling fan. Anyone who is bored of the sugar coated rubbish WWE feeds them and wants a true outlook in the wrestling business today. The only thing it'll cost them is their rose tinted glasses.

Onwards and upwards...