Just a quick note. If you were watching the live September 9th broadcast of WWE Raw then you will have seen Jerry the King Lawler suffer a heart attack. At first I though this was just a stunt to convey how much the series with C.M Punk has taken a toll. Now though, I have no reason to believe that what transpired on Raw was anything but real.
The was Jerry fell was sickening and to hear him gasp for breath like that was a saddening sight. If you look carefully when Kane and Bryan are in the ring, you can just see Lawler go down to the side of shot. Even Kane looked really concerned and for a character like Kane to break character like that for something that may have been manufactured by WWE is unheard of.
For now we will treat the heart attack as deadly serious until we hear otherwise.
I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing Jerry the King Lawler a speedy recovery and I hope to god that Jerry is back on his feet soon.
Jerry, you're in our prayers my friend.
Onwards and upwards...