Step into the Ring

Tuesday, 15 May 2012


Before we get started I have to say that the Over the Limit 2012 preview will be up later this week, should my really crappy internet allow. So keep your eyes peeled, the PPV previews seem to be the most successful things on this blog. I would like to think that you good people read the other blogs I take time to write.

Something's Coming?

So, WWE seem to be going with the reveloution angle. Somthing coming to WWE to change it dramatically for good. How many times have we heard that? In 2002, Vince McMahon claimed that the NWO would rot the WWE to the core - it didn't. In 2001 WWE proclaimed that the doomed Invasion angle would rock WWE to it's very foundations - it didn't. We have a right to be scepticle until WWE delivers. And for the first time in a long time, I actually have no idea what this revolution could be. Let's just hope it really is something unmissable. It'll probably involve John Cena and a huge name retutning to the WWE. Apart from that I'm as intrigued as the rest of you.

A Familiar Face.

If any of you have taken a gander at WWE.COM in that past few days then you'll notice a familiar face, taking a look at some of WWE'S whackiest characters. WWE are billing the guy as Damien Sanders. Those of us with knowledge of WWE pre 2006 will recognize the man as the hated Muhamed Hassan! I just hope WWE do not intend to put Sandow / Hassan back on WWE T.V, the guy wouldn't stand a chance.

For those of you who are not familiar with what I am talking about then, Sandow - who portrayed an American hating terriorist muslim - under the name Muhamed Hassan in WWE in 2005, was so hated and was nightly greeted with the most hateful jeers, that he actually recieved deatn threats in real life, from American citizens. The irony was that Sandow as Hassan was an American citizen, born in the U.S.A. Stunts that Hassan pulled off, of course given the nod by WWE were to choke Undertaker with Pianowire and have his sympathizers attack WWE talent. The pianowire stunt was particularly tastless as it was aired on the night of the London bombings.

There is no way WWE could ever hope to pass Sanders off as just another wrestler. Too many people remember Sanders from 2005 and if WWE think they can repackage a wrestler who has to rank in the top five of 'dumb ass ideas ever', and expect fans to take to him, then they're even more deluded than we thought. I just hope Sandow does not have a part to play in this reveloution angle. Unless they stick him under a mask (which they haven't because his face is on WWE.COM) this can have no happy ending.

Tears of a Giant!

It may look like WWE have canned the Big Show, yet by doing it through old Johnny L, then you can almost guarentee that they're planning a huge fight back angle, ala the 2001 Invasion. My beliefs are that WWE are going to do this to a few more wrestlers on the good guy WE roster, for them to inevatably come to John Cena's (and a few more faces) aid later in the year, thus pitching Johnny L's minons against John Cena and his cronies. For this to happen though WWE (thanks to their stipulations at Over the Limits) need to book Johnny L to beat Cena at Over the Limit 2012, this feud cannot carry on if Johnny L is fired. And early No Way Out plans centre around John Cena vowing that Johnny L will have Now Way Out - so expect Johnny L to actually beat Cena at Over the Limit.

Though it was strangely satisfying to see the Big useless doorstop break down. The guy can't even act! And what is WWE thinking of? Having a good guy, a face, a man who will presumably return to help Cena later in the year, beg like a little bitch for his job? Wouldn't it have been a lot more noble for Big Show to have resigned of his own free will, chokeslam Johhny L and then walk out of WWE with his pride in tact? For some reason WWE thought it far more humiliating to make him look like a seven foot cry baby. When will they learn?

Wasting Opportunities.

Kane is rotten, we know that. It defies even my logic though, to push him in the main event and against Orton since January and then stick him in the pre-show at Over the Limit 2012. WWE haven't even given us an ending to the Kane / Orton storyline. The feud was tied on PPV at one each - how is that a satisfactory ending?

On top of that his opponent, Zack Ryder, could have really done with a huge PPV win over Kane to get his career back on track. Please can someone tell me how this is going to help anyone invloved? Madness!


With the news that TNA are finsihed with Matt Morgan (who can blame them), I get a horrible feeling that the self proclaimed 'Blueprint' is heading back to WWE. The size of the guy would neccesitate what WWE looks for in a main event star and with this reveloution coming our way, could Morgan be at the helm? Keep them peeled.

Onwards and Upwards...