Step into the Ring

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


WWE and TNA are prime examples of what happens when the office backstage doesn't listen to the fans they're taking money from. Over the years we've experienced many wasted opportunities, John Cena being the best of them. Cashing in on his recent run with the Rock and turning him heel is the best opportunity WWE will get to turn the walking merchandise stand before people begin turning off. Will they? No!

Another wasted opportunity is Wade Barrett. At first he had promise. Then after a series with the one man career wrecking ball we call Cena, he went off the boil. In his recent feud with Randy Orton though, he has shone again. So do WWE cash in on this and pit Barett vs Orton at Wrestlemania? Of course not. Instead, as announced on Smackdown which has yet to be aired at time of writing, Orton will face the big red bore Kane. Out of nowhere. Kane is so bad now that its comical. Orton could have done so much with Barrett at Mania, but once again WWE have wasted another big opportunity.

How many can they waste before they realize they're doing more harm than good? Leading into Wrestlemania, there may not be too many more chances. Another big opportunity is the Team Teddy vs Team John twelve man tag team match at Wrestlemania 28. Already on Team John we have Mark Henry (did someone hit the snooze button?) and Justin Gabriel and on Team Teddy, that giant of wrestling, that goliath of the ring...Santino! The man is  built for nothing more than comedy value. Assuming Team John somewhere consists of Christian and Alberto Del Rio and Team Teddy has some decent name value among his ranks instead of cannon fodder then this should prove to be a career enhancer for everyone except Mark Henry - who has had nearly fifteen years to do something and as of yet - zilch, nothing, sod all. And assuming that the match is allocated longer than the usual card filler three and a half minutes, then we could have a real cracker on our hands. For Team Teddy I reccomend, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston and Zack Ryder all three mens careers need a big upheaveal and for Team John I reccomend The Miz. The guy needs a break and he needs a great showing, plus this will give him a leg up, back into the big picture heading out of Mania and into the remainder of 2012. Cena destroyed the guys image and career so he needs someone to work with that can make him look better. And I also reccomend Dolph Ziggler who at the moment doesn't seem to have a role after his great showing in the main event at Royal Rumble. If all of these are featured on the teams then I'm sure even WWE can't waste this opportunity.

At the moment Cody Rhodes is set to retain the I.C title against the worlds largest door stop, but working with injuries then the plan might change. Please WWE do not let Show win the belt, it would kill Rhodes' career.

As always I would like you, if you're reading this, to leave comments, even subscribe as its free and I don't get paid to do this. And just a reminder that I'll be doing a predictions thing over the Wrestlemania weekend and then after what the results will mean for the future of the superstars who won and lost and where they go from Mania. Sometime after the event I will also be writing a piece on the best and worst moment of Wrestlemania, so leave comments please, on your thoughts on the best and worse and I may even include them. Feedback is appreciated and read if anyone leaves any.